Monday, January 22, 2007

Ten Pounds of Trouble

Some days look like this, except we're not smiling as much...
We still love our little one, of course. And he's certainly very cute. He tracks things with his eyes quite well now, and occassionally blesses us with something resembling a smile. But he's also become a lot more fussy the last couple days, or so it seems. Perhaps it's the age: we're told that at around 5 weeks infants go through a big (and disorienting) developmental leap than can lead to fussiness (...then again, can't everything?). Perhaps it's just the accumulated effect of the last five weeks, which Ruth Ann sometimes describes as "one long day".

Matt's opinion: When Jonah was born, our pediatrician's office gave us a booklet (sort of like an owner's manual, although not quite so useful) that contains, among other things, a graph of the "parent satisfaction curve", a U-shaped curve that bottoms out sometime around six weeks. (Still not picturing it? Ok, try this technical explanation: time is on the x-axis and satisfaction is on the y-axis and there's a parabola with it's nadir sometime around the six week mark on the x-axis.). Sometime during the two hour crying fit that interupted our dinner last night, I hoped we'd hit the bottom. All that gloomy stuff said, the good news about hitting the bottom is from there on it, we're on the upslope!

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