Saturday, February 16, 2008

Tahoe :-(

We gave a try to a vacation last week. It sounded good in principle. But in practice it turned out to be more or less a total bust.

"Have fun, dammit," says Jonah.

The concept was to go up to Tahoe with our friends Laura and Dave and their baby Judah. They're fun to hang out with (and moving at about our speed, owing to the fact that they also have a 1 year old), and, really, the hanging out with them part was about the only thing that worked out.

Plan was to leave Thursday night. However, all day Wednesday and Thursday Jonah was miserable and wouldn't settle for anything other than being held. Then Thursday a major storm blew in and we decided against driving up at night. Instead we stayed home and tried to comfort an increasingly distressed and unhappy Jonah as he woke every hour or two throughout the night. At about 6 am, after a luxurious two hour uninterrupted period of sleep, Jonah woke again and we decided to make a break for it. We did manage to get to Tahoe (with minimal crying, at that) but Jonah only seemed to get worse, and we ended up at a doctor's (out of network...) with a diagnosis of bronchitis.

Saturday a storm blew in again, Matt spent about 2 hours trying to ski in miserable conditions, and Ruth Ann got the bronchitis. By Sunday morning we had a good two feet of new snow, and (in the highlight of Matt's weekend) had a good ol' time trying to get the Civic dug out and onto a road that was somewhat plowed. Neither happy nor willing to risk more snow, we drove back as the sun came through the clouds, looking at the glorious skiing weather on fresh powder in the rearview.

On Monday, Matt got the bronchitis.

Here's all the pictures we managed to take:
Tahoe 2008