Thursday, September 20, 2007

Fall 2007

Fall is here, and this freight train called life keeps rolling along. We're both busy at work, in mostly a good way -- I (Matt) am even more busy, having started a second job teaching part time at a law school, but so far the joy of teaching is worth the extra pain and late nights, so I'm dealing as best I can.

Jonah just keeps on growing. One bit of good news: he's now sleeping through the night! After my optimistic blog post in May, his sleeping regressed again, and we had a few more months of night wakings (albeit a little less frequent, at least). However, a few weeks ago we woke to discover that he'd slept all the way 'til morning. We'd like to think the "sleep training", sleep consultant (yup, for real!) and/or innumerable sleep-related books we read finally came together to produce the desired result, but more likely Jonah just made up his mind that now was the time to start sleeping better. In any event, for the last few weeks, he's been reliably sleeping from 7pm to 6am, and whatever the reason, we're counting our blessings.

It's more than just the sleep, though. There's been a real change in Jonah's personality and demeanor these last few months, and I think both Ruth Ann and I would say that he has become a real joy to be around. In fact -- dare we tempt fate? -- we might say he's become an "easy kid"! He's a smiley, happy and remarkably even-tempered. He rarely cries, except for the occasional trouble going to sleep. And he has an insatiable curiosity, and a contagious sense of wonder, about all that the world has to offer. While being a parent has always been a special experience, we certainly feel like we took some lumps early on, and so this new phase has been especially welcome.

And last but not least, as of a few days ago he's got two new teeth! You can see the teeth, and a whole lot more, in our newest picture roll. Enjoy!

Fall 2007


bzmoss said...

That sleeping through the night thing is a clever invention - was I relieved when my boys discovered it around 3 years old. That Jonah is going to be an engineer with his advanced talents.

He is gorgeous, cute and smart - just like his parents! Love, Bleema and Richard.

sara.martin said...

Congrats on the sleeping through the night thing! I look forward to having that back! How quickly we forget after the 1st one. I am documenting Skyla's sleepless nights now for use as birth control later!
Lots of love,