Monday, April 9, 2007

Mama writes!

Mama is at last adding to the blog! Between the sleep deprivation and other demands of an infant I have been too exhausted to write. But Jonah is now watching his mobile (which I lovingly refer to as kiddie k(c)rack) and I have a few moments.

Things Jonah has done recently (he is now 16 weeks old but these ideas were joted down a few weeks ago).

Apparently at week 12 there is a huge developmental leap and Jonah seems to be in the thick of it (along with the requisite fussiness!).

Recognized himself in the mirror and smiled at himself and mommy. This happened at a shoe store in our local mall – see it pays to go shopping.

Smiled at and patted his teddy bear.

Petted Ella and laughed.

Laid on the grass in our backyard and looked around.

Shook and held a rattle.

Recognized the pattern on a lampshade and pillow.

Wrote his graduate thesis (just kidding, wanted to know if you were still reading!)

We were able to turn his frown upside down!

Drolling a lot and keeping his hand and other things in his mouth constantly.

Rolled a little (not yet on his back).

Learned how to shriek!


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